Do you See What I See?

Reverse Engineer Post

Featured is an Ad for Haagen Dazs Ice Cream. The Designer is unknown, however there is a logo in the bottom right-hand corner, Haagen Daaz, started by two Polish immigrants form the Bronx decided to create a new luxury ice cream in 1960. Using only the finest ingredients, their rich, velvety ice cream created a category all its own. They started the company with three flavors, chocolate, vanilla, coffee. Six years later, in 1966, they launched Strawberry. When Mattus, owner, set his sights on Strawberry he knew that only the best product would do, hence the Ad.


Contrast in this design can easily be seen by creating darker corners, almost shadowlike, to give a spotlight feel in the center of the page. The tan color is much lighter in the center to spotlight the product. With the light color in the center we can easily see the darker contrast of the strawberry. The strawberry pops on the page.


Repetition in this design is seen in the Haagen Daaz logo. It is repeated 3 times in this design. One element that is repeated is the strawberry on the ice cream carton and on the center of the page. The last element that is repeated is the color red. The arrows in the image below point to the color red on the rim, the red strawberries, and the light red highlight in the larger strawberry.


The Title: Last Berry Standing is centered alignment with the word Standing in bold to capture the reader’s eye. I thought it was interesting to find a centered alignment after the several readings in our Design book that state, don’t use it. I am new to the design process, but I would say the two sentences are justified alignment, due to the fact they start and end together. Then the last three elements under the sentences are centered alignment. Taking a closer look I can also see where the alignment of the images and words align with the edge of the other.


There isn’t a lot going on in this add design. The Heading States, Last Berry Standing which is in close proximity to the Ice Cream tub and the shadowed berry that appears to be standing. This proximity lets the reader know that we are talking about strawberry Ice Cream. The two sentences are placed at the bottom of the page, together, to show the relationship. It simply states: Hey we are still talking about the strawberry but in a different context than the heading. Lastly the Haagen Daz Brand and company logo are centered at the bottom of the page in proximity to one another.


Other than the font we have three basic colors in this design, Red, yellow and tan. Red and Yellow being primary colors. The tan is shaded in the corners adding contrast. As we focus on the center of the page we can see the tan color becoming more of a tint. The tan is a warm color which contains some red and yellow in it, which plays off the red and yellow ice cream carton, tying the whole color scheme together.


This Haagen Dazs advertisement implements the four basic design elements contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity well and clear. It also left plenty of blank space for the eye to rest. It had great use of Font size which was effective, showing they were not afraid to make their words large or small. The strawberry was a bold graphic design which complemented the overall design. Now all I want to do is go have some Strawberry Ice Cream, well done Haagen Dazs

Delta Lake, Grant Teton National Park.

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